
Curriculum - The Lindfield School

At The Lindfield School we pride ourselves in delivering an exciting, innovative appropriate and creative curriculum which prepares our students for adult life.

Our curriculum starts at KS2 with a comprehensive transitional programme providing learning opportunities for our incoming year 6 pupils.

Our Learning Pathways are based on the progress 8 guidance.

Our classes are grouped as follows:


Year 7



Year 8



Year 9



Year 10



Year 11




Mixed group of students


The curriculum has been designed to provide exciting and relevant opportunities and pathways for learning. Each student is assessed and given a learning pathway in year 7 that begins to form their examination pathway. We want our students to not only gain new academic knowledge, but also social communication and life skills which are delivered through our innovative focus on communication.

Our Individual Learning Plan (ILP) objectives partner the curriculum, focussing on Social interaction and independence. Our creative approach provides links across the curriculum, effective use of modern technology and extended out of school learning opportunities (homework).

The teachers at The Lindfield School are mainly secondary specialist teachers providing an engaging, innovative, appropriate and balanced curriculum, developed with a view to promoting our students social, moral, spiritual and cultural development. Every effort has been made to deliver a motivating, exciting curriculum, which is flexible enough to be adapted and personalised to match the particular needs of an individual or group of students maximising their learning and progress.

We have targeted daily interventions for students that enable the delivery of our targeted reading, phonics and communication curriculum, focused on narrowing the gaps in these core areas as well as therapeutic interventions.

The emphasis in Key Stage 4 is to prepare our students for life beyond Lindfield. Our primary focus is to provide students with the opportunities to gain meaningful and appropriate qualifications enabling them to access a wider range of opportunities Post 16.

Our range of accreditation has increased in the last 3 years from only a couple of Entry levels and an Art GCSE to the possibility of leaving with not only Entry Levels but up to 8 GCSE or equivalent qualifications!

We currently offer the following range of qualifications:


Maths, English, Science, Art, Geography, Music, Statistics


Performing Arts

Entry Level:

Maths, English, Science, ICT, PE


Sports Leaders


We have recently further developed our L.I.F.E (Life Skills, Independence, Friendships and Enterprise) curriculum, which focuses on preparation for adult life through PSHE, Work Related Learning and work experience

As most of our students move on to local colleges, we have developed close links with these providers. Our Year 11 students attend taster sessions to prepare them for this transition. At The Lindfield School we understand the importance and value of developing independence and confidence in our students. We therefore, encourage our Year 11 students to take part in an annual residential experience.
Please click on the links below for further information on our curriculum:

Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact

Maths policy

English policy

Science policy

Computing policy

History policy

Music policy

Performing Arts policy

Art and Design policy

PE policy

PSHE, RSHE & RE policy

Careers policy









World Studies

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