Policies and procedures
Policies specific to Summerdown and the Southfield Centre are listed below. More policies will be added soon.
Please navigate to the Southfield Trust home page to see our Trust policies on:
Accessibility, Admissions, Anti-bullying, AAC, Autism, Charging & Remissions, Children's Rights, Complaints, Confidentiality, Data Protection, Equality, EYFS, Freedom of Information, Health & Safety, Online Safety, Pay, Preventing Radicalism, Safeguarding, SMSC and Values, Staff conduct, Staff induction and Whistle-blowing.
Assistive Technology for Communication
Positive Behaviour for Learning
Positive Handling & Physical Intervention
Preventing Radicalism & Extremism
Pupils with Health Needs who Cannot Attend School
Safeguarding & Child Protection
Special Educational Needs (SEN)
Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions